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Depuis 1998, le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" a été à l’initiative des nombreuses campagnes.

SCOOP - The French Network for Nuclear Phase-out reveals the new route and schedule of the "train from hell"

6 novembre 2010 |

Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire"

"Facing the huge mobilization of the NGOs and the initiatives that keep multiplying since 2 days to inform people, the nuclear lobby opts once more for complete opacity and decides to divert the train at the last minute." says Laura Hameaux, a spokeswoman of the French Network for Nuclear Phase-out. She asks ironically : "Has AREVA something to hide ?" When the train from hell passes, AREVA lays down the law The French authorities and administration are bent under the nuclear lobby’s heel :

The director of the French national railway company (SNCF) intervenes personnally to ban radioactivity measurements In Sotteville-les-Rouen, militants had negociated with the authorities the authorisation to carry out measurements of radioactivity. The director of the French national railway company (SNCF), Mr Guillaume Pépy, has intervened personnally to try and have it prohibited. However, the militants were able to carry out the measurements further along the tracks. The radioactivity measured at 6 meters from the convoy is already 20 times higher than the natural level of radioactivity. Then one shall not be surprised that these measurements seems to be such a bother…

The French national railway company (SNCF) mobilizes its technical teams and change workers’ schedules

Never before seen : in the North of France, the direction of the French national railway company (SNCF) has mobilized its technical teams and has modified the workers’ schedules so that a number of its employees go to the tracks. It is hard to believe that this sudden decision has anything to do with maintenance operations… Are the pacifist militants protesting against nuclear industry so terrifying that the SNCF demands that its employees get on the watch waiting for them ? The French Network for Nuclear Phase-out insists that no solution exists to "manage" nuclear waste. They must not be burried deep underground ; we must stop producing such waste, and the only way to achieve this is to phase nuclear out !

Press :

Laura Hameaux (English and French) : 06 85 23 05 11

Charlotte Mijeon (German, English and French) : 06 75 36 20 20

André Larivière (English and French) : 04 63 31 50 12

Philippe Brousse (English and French) : 06 68 86 89 21

Communiqué de presse en français SCOOP - Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" révèle le nouveau trajet et les nouveaux horaires du train d’enfer

Deutsche Pressemitteilung Der Höllenzug wird umgeleitet - Sortir du nucléaire veröffentlicht die neue Strecke und Fahrplan

"Facing the huge mobilization of the NGOs and the initiatives that keep multiplying since 2 days to inform people, the nuclear lobby opts once more for complete opacity and decides to divert the train at the last minute." says Laura Hameaux, a spokeswoman of the French Network for Nuclear Phase-out. She asks ironically : "Has AREVA something to hide ?" When the train from hell passes, AREVA lays down the law The French authorities and administration are bent under the nuclear lobby’s heel :

The director of the French national railway company (SNCF) intervenes personnally to ban radioactivity measurements In Sotteville-les-Rouen, militants had negociated with the authorities the authorisation to carry out measurements of radioactivity. The director of the French national railway company (SNCF), Mr Guillaume Pépy, has intervened personnally to try and have it prohibited. However, the militants were able to carry out the measurements further along the tracks. The radioactivity measured at 6 meters from the convoy is already 20 times higher than the natural level of radioactivity. Then one shall not be surprised that these measurements seems to be such a bother…

The French national railway company (SNCF) mobilizes its technical teams and change workers’ schedules

Never before seen : in the North of France, the direction of the French national railway company (SNCF) has mobilized its technical teams and has modified the workers’ schedules so that a number of its employees go to the tracks. It is hard to believe that this sudden decision has anything to do with maintenance operations… Are the pacifist militants protesting against nuclear industry so terrifying that the SNCF demands that its employees get on the watch waiting for them ? The French Network for Nuclear Phase-out insists that no solution exists to "manage" nuclear waste. They must not be burried deep underground ; we must stop producing such waste, and the only way to achieve this is to phase nuclear out !

Press :

Laura Hameaux (English and French) : 06 85 23 05 11

Charlotte Mijeon (German, English and French) : 06 75 36 20 20

André Larivière (English and French) : 04 63 31 50 12

Philippe Brousse (English and French) : 06 68 86 89 21

Communiqué de presse en français SCOOP - Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" révèle le nouveau trajet et les nouveaux horaires du train d’enfer

Deutsche Pressemitteilung Der Höllenzug wird umgeleitet - Sortir du nucléaire veröffentlicht die neue Strecke und Fahrplan

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