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Marche Internationale pour la Paix aux Etats-Unis

25 avril 2010 | 482 vues

Une marche organisée par l’association australienne Footprints for Peace, et soutenue par le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" se déroule actuellement aux Etats- Unis (février-mai 2010) pour promouvoir les alternatives et un futur sans nucléaire. Elle a démarré dans le Tennessee pour se finir à New-York 3 mois plus tard à la date de la prochaine Conférence Internationale sur le Traité de Non Prolifération.

 Reportage en anglais sur Wfmz TV (28/04/10) :

Nuclear Protestors In Limerick
An international group says it wants to educate people about harm caused by nuclear weapons, energy, and uranium mining. Footprints for Peace protested outside Limerick Generating Plant in Montgomery County. It’s headed for the United Nations. The group says nuclear energy is destroying indigenous populations of Australia and the southwestern area of the U.S. "People need to understand this industry, it’s not a solution to climate change. It’s another form of cultural genocide throughout the world." The group also brought letters from the mayor of Hiroshima and the director of Mayors for Peace. Exelon officials say : "We think there is a big difference between clean, safe, and reliable energy (which is what we produce) versus nuclear weapons. We think our plant is a good example of producing reliable energy for the region."


 Reportage en anglais par The Mercury 20/04/10

Protest walkers march outside Exelon nuclear plant(video) Limerick Township police and power plant security came out this morning to monitor about 20 Footprints for Peace protestors at the entrance to the Limerick Nuclear Plant in an anti-nuke demonstration that lasted about an hour. Protestors were stationed at the corner of Sanatoga and Evergreen roads at the main entrance to the power plant.

The mercury

 Vidéo-diaporama réalisée par Footprints for Peace


 Reportage en anglais sur Wymt TV (22/02/10)

Wymt TV

 Reportage en anglais sur Wfmz TV (28/04/10) :

Nuclear Protestors In Limerick
An international group says it wants to educate people about harm caused by nuclear weapons, energy, and uranium mining. Footprints for Peace protested outside Limerick Generating Plant in Montgomery County. It’s headed for the United Nations. The group says nuclear energy is destroying indigenous populations of Australia and the southwestern area of the U.S. "People need to understand this industry, it’s not a solution to climate change. It’s another form of cultural genocide throughout the world." The group also brought letters from the mayor of Hiroshima and the director of Mayors for Peace. Exelon officials say : "We think there is a big difference between clean, safe, and reliable energy (which is what we produce) versus nuclear weapons. We think our plant is a good example of producing reliable energy for the region."


 Reportage en anglais par The Mercury 20/04/10

Protest walkers march outside Exelon nuclear plant(video) Limerick Township police and power plant security came out this morning to monitor about 20 Footprints for Peace protestors at the entrance to the Limerick Nuclear Plant in an anti-nuke demonstration that lasted about an hour. Protestors were stationed at the corner of Sanatoga and Evergreen roads at the main entrance to the power plant.

The mercury

 Vidéo-diaporama réalisée par Footprints for Peace


 Reportage en anglais sur Wymt TV (22/02/10)

Wymt TV
Le saviez-vous ?
Le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" est un véritable contre-pouvoir citoyen. Totalement indépendants de l’État, nous dépendons exclusivement du soutien de nos donateur⋅ices. C’est grâce à votre soutien financier que nous pouvons nous permettre de tout mettre en œuvre pour offrir aux générations futures l’espoir d’un avenir sans risques nucléaires. Aidez-nous à obtenir cet objectif et à nous permettre de continuer la lutte au quotidien contre cette énergie mortifère et pour promouvoir la sobriété énergétique et les alternatives renouvelables.

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 Nucléaire militaire  THT