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Depuis 1998, le Réseau "Sortir du nucléaire" a été à l’initiative des nombreuses campagnes.

Hors de France

Fukushima-Chernobyl Days 2014 - To Not Forget

26 avril 2014 |

ITALY : Vasto (CH) - Sala Conferenze ex Palazzi Scolastici
Sabato, 26 Aprile dalle ore 16:30

The "point" of the event will be a public projection of the movie "Dark Matter" (about thorium radioactive weapons and depleted uranium) and "All the Nuclear accidents after Fukushima (2011-2014)".

After the Berlin Festival - this movie (co-produced in collaboration with RAI (italian Statal TV) remain still unknown. We will make it public.

Part of the Debate will be about "The Italian Case after the referendum". Antinuclear oppositions in the world :
Video conference and connections with USA, India (Koodankulan) - Malaysia (Stop Lynas orgs and movements).

Contact :
 Massimo Greco - RNA International - +393894856825
 Angela di Rito - RNA Abruzzo - rna@nonukes.it
 Ezio Palumbo - RNA - rna.antinucleare@gmail.com

The "point" of the event will be a public projection of the movie "Dark Matter" (about thorium radioactive weapons and depleted uranium) and "All the Nuclear accidents after Fukushima (2011-2014)".

After the Berlin Festival - this movie (co-produced in collaboration with RAI (italian Statal TV) remain still unknown. We will make it public.

Part of the Debate will be about "The Italian Case after the referendum". Antinuclear oppositions in the world :
Video conference and connections with USA, India (Koodankulan) - Malaysia (Stop Lynas orgs and movements).

Contact :
 Massimo Greco - RNA International - +393894856825
 Angela di Rito - RNA Abruzzo - rna@nonukes.it
 Ezio Palumbo - RNA - rna.antinucleare@gmail.com

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